Looking to buy saffron online? Shop with Goodfeel Ayurveda!

We know the importance of getting the real deal. This is why we take such great measures to guarantee that our Kashmiri kesar is free of any adulterants or dyes.

Our saffron has a flavor and aroma, unlike any other spice. We harvested by hand in the fertile valley of Kashmir, where the altitude, temperature, and moisture levels all combine to make for ideal growing conditions for the spice. Saffron is a precious spice grown by trained farmers who have perfected the art of growing this ingredient over many years.

The “mongra,” or rich red threads, in our Kashmiri Origin Saffron, are what set it distinctive. These strands are highly sought after because of their potent perfume and delicious taste. So, unlock the essence of true Kashmiri Kesar flavor with us!